I decided to make a few rings this morning so here they are. Back row is a Unikite and Adventurine, Adventurine and Pink Quarts, Red glass. Front two are, white Stardust and Sodalite, white Opalite and Faceted Hemitite. All are created using Sterling Silver wire.

In the afternoon I had to take our van to have the lift platform (handicap equipment) worked on. The only place is Lenexa about 40 miles north of us. On the way back took a side trip to the Olathe Michaels to use a gift card my daughter gave me for Christmas. Spent more that the gift card of course. But it was fun! Can hardly wait for the Ring n Things trunk show the 20th of this month.
Hi, Carol!
I loved the rings! Simple and elegant!
I got good news too and they include shopping too, but you'll have to read about them on the forum! hehehe
Well, I'm off to the forum to write a big post!
Great job on those rings and great shopping!
Love love love those rings, Carol! And the beads are quite a haul!!! How I wish we had bead shows around here! And a Michaels would be nice. ;)
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